I am working on my masters thesis. The content is pretty technical (lots of graphs and formulas), so I am really trying to keep it interesting to read by designing a fitting layout. I have a few ideas but no idea how to do it:
I'd like my figures and tables to reside in a box. Just the content and not the title and caption. My primary colors will be, say, black and blue, so I'd like this box to have a 20% blue background and on the top and bottom a 100% blue border.
How do I do this? Should I make a class for this (never done that before).
A sideline question: I am feeling pretty comfortable with the typesetting part of Latex, but I would love to have some examples of beautifully typeset (color) books with sourcecode. Any source for that?
General ⇒ table/figure background and border
- localghost
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table/figure background and border
I can only offer you a partial solution using the xcolor package.paulvanderheijden wrote:[...] I'd like my figures and tables to reside in a box. Just the content and not the title and caption. My primary colors will be, say, black and blue, so I'd like this box to have a 20% blue background and on the top and bottom a 100% blue border. [...]
Code: Select all
\caption{A figure in a colored box}\label{fig:colorboxfig}
Best regards
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1