TeXShopProblems with BibTex

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Problems with BibTex

Post by sigsiggi »


I´m trying to use BibTex for the first time, and ran into some trouble..

I´m having the tex file testing.tex (attached file) and bibtex file references:
author = "Burda",
title = "Makrookonomie",
year = "2010"

author = "Bunny, R.",
title = "Black Holes and Their Relation to Hiding Eggs",
journal = "Theoretical Easter Physics",
publisher = "Eggs Ltd.",
year = "2010"

The PDF version is generated but without any of the references.. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Thanks a lot :)

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Problems with BibTex

Post by josephwright »

Well, you have no citations in the file, for a start. You need something like

Code: Select all

You then need to run:
  1. LaTeX
  2. BibTeX
  3. LaTeX
  4. LaTeX
to get everything correct.
Joseph Wright
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