I have tried to use the \thispagestyle{empty} command but nothing happens.
At the same time I am trying to include several authors in my title page using \and in between author names but as soon as I add more than one author latex automatically moves my title page to the second page of the report and leaves the first page completely blank. To make things even worse, the title page now appears with headers and page numbers and the \thispagestyle{empty} does not work either.
Could someone please help me to get rid of these two problems?
I'm including an example of my code below:
Thank you very much in advance.
Code: Select all
\title{Technical Report\\Project Name\\
\textcolor{blue}{Project Name 2}\\[4 cm]
\normalsize Prepared for:\\[0.30 cm]
\large Client Name\\[1 cm]
\large (Version 1.0 - DRAFT)\\[3 cm]}
\author{Myself \ and Second Author\\My Company}
\date{February 11, 2008}