Fonts & Character SetsEmbedding fonts without subsetting in PDFLaTeX

Information and discussion about fonts and character sets (e.g. how to use language specific characters)
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Embedding fonts without subsetting in PDFLaTeX

Post by tstandley »


I'm getting ready to submit a conference paper (AAAI), and the conference requires that all fonts used be embedded. Not only that, but the embedded fonts must not be subsetted (meaning that only the characters used are included in the pdf to save space.)

I know that people recommend subsetting because it reduces the size of the PDF, and some license agreements require that you do not distribute the entire font.

In ps2pdf, there is an option (-dSubsetFonts=false) that disables subsetting. However for pdflatex, I cannot find such an option.

I have been using pdflatex and I very much like the results. I can't use ps2pdf for several other reasons, and so finding an option for pdftex seems like the path of least resistance.


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Embedding fonts without subsetting in PDFLaTeX

Post by nath »

I was trying to figure this out for the exact same reason. Here's the workaround I found: ... 00507.html
(This should work as non-root too, but may require a little additional silliness.)
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Embedding fonts without subsetting in PDFLaTeX

Post by Montag »

You could also view this thread via the Google system: ... ddbd1f61a9
OS: Win 7 64-bit LaTeX: MikTeX 2.9 64-bit Editor: TXC 1 RC1
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