See posting: ... 2e1895e831
Any help please?
Conversion Tools ⇒ pdfinfo of beamer presentation
pdfinfo of beamer presentation
Beamer uses the information in \title{...} to set the PDF metadata title. If you leave that blank, obviously, you're not going to get a useful title in your pdf metadata.
If you want the PDF metadata title to be different than the title Beamer shows, you have to load the beamer class with the usepdftitle=false option. Then you can call the options from hyperref with the hypersetup command:
If you want the PDF metadata title to be different than the title Beamer shows, you have to load the beamer class with the usepdftitle=false option. Then you can call the options from hyperref with the hypersetup command:
Code: Select all
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\title{A Title}
\hypersetup{pdftitle={Something else}}
A frame