
LaTeX specific issues not fitting into one of the other forums of this category.
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Post by spiegboy »

i noted of the sidebar ads in our forum one is tex-word conversion software, i wonder if it works well. I can only use word to draft manuscripts for my boss uses word only but of course i prefer latex. i have tried a lot of conversion tools from latex to word, but never works to my satisfaction. I wonder if the advertised one is a great hit or just another one? and if you happen to know any useful tool on this front, please share with me, thank you very much.

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Re: tex2word

Post by arwintcher »

I've been using latex2rtf for quick and dirty conversions. It works more or less okay for my purposes but I don't have any equations in my document. Tables are not converted and pictures are ignored, but this may be in part because I have a custom command for including tables. Also, the citations are formatted just fine but of course they appear in the rtf document as just text, instead of the appropriate bibtex code.
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Re: tex2word

Post by frabjous »

I've had decent luck with latex2rtf so long as the document in question is simple and doesn't use a lot of fancy packages or complex mathematics.

I've have about the same amount of success compiling with htlatex and then importing the html into Word (or OpenOffice).

You'd think in this day and age, however, your boss would be fine accepting PDFs, unless (s)he needed to edit them him/herself.
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