KileCV class and where do I have to put it

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CV class and where do I have to put it

Post by renareto »

I would write my CV with latex. So I'm looking for some good CV class. Can someboby sudgest one?
And, how can I install it on Kile?



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CV class and where do I have to put it

Post by gmedina »


I would suggest the moderncv class (I use it for my CV and some other regular members use it too). If you have TeX Live (preferably TeX Live2009) installed in your system, you can use the Package Manager (called tlmgr) to automatically download and install missing packages or classes.
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CV class and where do I have to put it

Post by frabjous »

My personal favorite is moderncv.

Kile is just an editor. You don't install packages on Kile. You install them in your underlying (La)TeX system.

If you're using Kile, however, you're probably running Linux, and if you're running Linux, you've probably got TeXlive installed. Depending on which version of TeXlive you have installed, there's a good chance moderncv is already installed. If it isn't, probably you could install it through the TeXlive tlmgr, or through some expansion packages available through your software package manager for your linux distro.

(Oops posted before I read gmedina's reply. Sorry for the redundancy.)
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CV class and where do I have to put it

Post by localghost »

renareto wrote:[...] I would write my CV with latex. So I'm looking for some good CV class. Can someboby sudgest one? [...]
The TeX catalogue lists some suitable classes and packages [1]. Your Linux distribution may contain all of them since there should already be a complete LaTeX system installed.

[1] The TeX Catalogue Online, Topic Index - Writing Applications for a Job / CV

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CV class and where do I have to put it

Post by spiegboy »

you do not have to use peculiar class for CV, google online and you will find a lot of latex cv templates, pick up one you like and make it your own. dont forget to acknowledge the author by dropping an email
renareto wrote:Hi,
I would write my CV with latex. So I'm looking for some good CV class. Can someboby sudgest one?
And, how can I install it on Kile?


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