TeX Live and MacTeXUpdate texlive packages with opensuse ?

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Update texlive packages with opensuse ?

Post by trucmuche2005 »

Hello !

I've updated the texlive packages to v2009-32.1 but I did not found any program to update the latex packages or install new ones. The tlmgr is not present in OpenSUSE 11.2.

I know how update and install packages in the texlive tree manually. But is there a way to update install packages or install new packages automatically with a kind of "texlive package manager" under OpenSUSE 11.2 ?

Thank you in advance for your advices...

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Re: Update texlive packages with opensuse ?

Post by frabjous »

If you have TeXlive 2009 installed, then you have tlmgr installed. Perhaps it just isn't appearing on your KDE (or Gnome) menu? If so, that would be normal, since it's normally run from the command line.

Try opening a command line terminal and type in:

sudo tlmgr update --self --all

and see what happens.
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Update texlive packages with opensuse ?

Post by trucmuche2005 »

No... It seems to be "well known" (see here) that opensuse does not ship tlmgr in its distribution because it seems to be "incompatible" with the YaST RPM package manager...

I'm SURE that I do not have the tlmgr executable... I looked for it with locate and tlmgr in a superuser console gives : "bash: tlmgr: command not found"...
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Re: Update texlive packages with opensuse ?

Post by meho_r »

...which is exactly why I decided not to use TeXLive provided by my distribution but install it from official DVD, and locally, inside my /home dir (sorry for not giving any constructive advice).
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Update texlive packages with opensuse ?

Post by frabjous »

Sorry for the misinformation. I had assumed that you had installed TeXlive 2009 directly -- didn't realize TeXlive 2009 was available at all in .rpm (--it's still not in .deb except as unstable; they are still distributing TL2007).

You don't need to install through a DVD. You can use the online download script at TUG. That will give you a version of TL2009 with tlmgr. The tricky thing would be getting YaST to allow you to install other apps that have TeXlive as a dependency if you don't install through there. I can't help you with that, unfortunately.
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Update texlive packages with opensuse ?

Post by localghost »

trucmuche2005 wrote:[...] I've updated the texlive packages to v2009-32.1 but I did not found any program to update the latex packages or install new ones. The tlmgr is not present in OpenSUSE 11.2. [...]
As a user of openSUSE 11.2 I can confirm that. It would interfere with the RPM package management of this distribution.
trucmuche2005 wrote:[...] I know how update and install packages in the texlive tree manually. But is there a way to update install packages or install new packages automatically with a kind of "texlive package manager" under OpenSUSE 11.2 ? [...]
At the time there is no such solution. The packages related to TeX Live get a regular update [1]. But this only seems to affect the packages which include the binaries. The LaTeX packages themselves are not updated according to their versions on CTAN. I already thought about submitting a note to the maintainer of the distribution packages and ask him if it is at least possible to get a monthly update for those RPM packages which contain the architecture independent LaTeX packages.

At the moment I evade this situation by creating a TDS compliant tree in my home directory where I put additional or updated packages. The compiler is going to search packages first in this location. I did so for example with the biblatex package since it is not part of the TeX Live distribution. A texhash as normal user makes the packages recognizable for the system.

[1] Index of /repositories/Publishing/openSUSE_11.2

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Re: Update texlive packages with opensuse ?

Post by cgnieder »

Did anyone try to move from the "built-in" TeXlive to the "real" one? I'd like to do that but I don't want to mess up anything on my system.

Using a local TDS is fine and of course works nicely for me. Being able to use tlmgr would be even more nice, though.
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Update texlive packages with opensuse ?

Post by localghost »

You can find a detailed description (in German) on our partner site [1]. Adaption to the current versions of openSUSE and TeX Live should be no big deal.

[1] TeXLive2009 unter openSUSE 11.2 direkt installieren .:. goLaTeX — Mein LaTeX-Forum
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Re: Update texlive packages with opensuse ?

Post by cgnieder »

Thanks! But the installation actually isn't what I'm worried about.

But since I can't find anything about where to pay attention when deinstalling the TeXlive-rpm, I think I'll just give it go and see if anything happens :) . (It doesn't worry me too much, just thought I'd ask around before I start)
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Update texlive packages with opensuse ?

Post by cgnieder »

I finally found the answer I was looking for. I must have overread this previously, my bad: on http://tug.org/texlive/pkginstall.html it says:
By the way, a native TL, which is typically installed under /usr/local, and a TeX from your operating system can happily coexist, each with their own completely independent trees and programs. (Do not try to merge them!) So you could install a native TeX Live if your vendor is not keeping up.
Thanks for your help, anyway.
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