Page LayoutCaption in TOC in multiple lines

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Caption in TOC in multiple lines

Post by amiruw »

I’ve a question and I really appreciate your help.

The captions of my figures and tables are so long so that in the Table of Contents (TOC), these captions exceed the page limit. A short caption is not desired, instead, I want to have the captions in TOC in multiple lines. The same holds for the title of my chapters in TOC. How can I do that? Is there any conflict between different packages in this regard? Has my problem something to do with subfigure or float packages? Thanks very much in advance.

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Caption in TOC in multiple lines

Post by gmedina »


without some relevant code (in the sense a minimal working example (MWE)), all we can do is to guess. Perhaps you are using the hyperref package and forgot to activate the breaklinks option; if this is so, load hyperref using something like

Code: Select all

If that doesn't solve your problem, please post a MWE.
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Re: Caption in TOC in multiple lines

Post by amiruw »

Yes, it works. Thank you so much.
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