BibTeX, biblatex and biberProblems trying to do multi-slide bibliography in powerdot

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Problems trying to do multi-slide bibliography in powerdot

Post by kyp4 »

Hello, I am trying to break up my long list of references in my powerdot presentation onto multiple slides. I am using the bibentry package exactly as specified in the powerdot manual but I am getting latex compilation errors.

My .tex file looks like

Code: Select all


% Package for eps

% Package so that I can split references to show on multiple slides




I am compiling latex, then bibtex, then latex again. On the second latex compilation I get an error:

Code: Select all


! LaTeX Error: Lonely \item--perhaps a missing list environment.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.3 \bibitem{ref1}
Does anyone know what the problem is here? My internet searches have yielded nothing.

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