Document Classes'beamer.cls' not found

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'beamer.cls' not found

Post by felipeabrao »

Hi, everyone!

Well, I am really new in the Latex World, but have already used the Beamer class without problems. However, since I decided to use TeX Live I have had problems! I cannot use Beamer anymore, because the following error message shows up:

! LaTeX Error: File `beamer.cls' not found.

Please, what can I do to solve this problem? Thank you very much.

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Re: 'beamer.cls' not found

Post by frabjous »

This is definitely strange, and not a problem I've had with TeX live.

However, if you're using a new-ish version of TeXlive, you should be able to open the tlmgr and see if beamer is installed.

I might be able to give more detailed instructions if I new what operating system, etc., you were using.
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Re: 'beamer.cls' not found

Post by fatra2 »

Hi there,

Just a thought, but is your beamer.cls file into a recognized folder by LaTeX??

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Re: 'beamer.cls' not found

Post by felipeabrao »


I believe I don't have the file beamer.cls, but downloaded it from Internet. However, I pasted it in the place where it should be in TexLive(according to what I read in Internet) but didn't work anyway! Is it so difficult to use Beamer?!

Thank you all!
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Re: 'beamer.cls' not found

Post by daleif »

Exactly which version of TeXLive 2009 did you install? Because the default installation DOES include beamer and almost all other packages on CTAN.
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'beamer.cls' not found

Post by frabjous »

felipeabrao wrote:Hi!

I believe I don't have the file beamer.cls, but downloaded it from Internet. However, I pasted it in the place where it should be in TexLive(according to what I read in Internet) but didn't work anyway! Is it so difficult to use Beamer?!

Thank you all!
The problem isn't with beamer, it's with your method of acquiring it.

Use tlmgr, that's what it's for. The easiest thing is usually to run it with the GUI. Again, I could provide more information about how to do this with info about your operating system. But the manual for tlmgr is here:

In any case, nothing you manually paste into a directory inside your TeXlive tree will work without running texhash first.

Still, this is not something you should manually install.
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Re: 'beamer.cls' not found

Post by kaiserkarl13 »

Have you regenerated your TeX tree's ls-R list? This list tells LaTeX where to search for included files.

Try runnning 'texhash' (run it as root if you've put the file in a system path; if it's under $HOME/texmf/, you should run as yourself).
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'beamer.cls' not found

Post by fatra2 »

kaiserkarl13 wrote:Have you regenerated your TeX tree's ls-R list? This list tells LaTeX where to search for included files.

Try runnning 'texhash' (run it as root if you've put the file in a system path; if it's under $HOME/texmf/, you should run as yourself).
Hi there,

I am coming from the world of Linux, and the texhash command is the one I was going to suggest. But how would you do the same in MS, for which I believe the TeX tree has to be regenerated also. I imagine that most of you will say reboot the machine, but the crap with that, would there be another solution???

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'beamer.cls' not found

Post by localghost »

fatra2 wrote:[...] I am coming from the world of Linux, and the texhash command is the one I was going to suggest. But how would you do the same in MS, for which I believe the TeX tree has to be regenerated also. I imagine that most of you will say reboot the machine, but the crap with that, would there be another solution? [...]
It's pretty much the same. Especially when using TeX Live. But MiKTeX also knows these commands. The installation of packages with the MiKTeX Package Manager does the update automatically.

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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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Re: 'beamer.cls' not found

Post by felipeabrao »

Thank you all of you!

I decided to go back to MikTex, and my program is working now. Thank you anyway for your help.

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