I've just discovered xetex and it looks like the solution to my need for both English and Thai in the same document. I wasn't satisfied with having to change the encoding of the whole document to Thai, which was my solution before. This upset the type-setting of the Western characters.
I followed the readme here: http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/XeTeX
I can now achieve what I want by putting Thai words inside the following:
and closing with
However to make it easier (I don't want to type all that code for every Thai section) I continued through the instructions and found I needed to install this macro: http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/macros ... /xeCJK.dtx
I downloaded it fine, but when I ran
Code: Select all
xelatex xeCJK.dtx
Code: Select all
! Undefined control sequence.
\makexeCJKactive ->\XeTeXinterchartokenstate
l.64 \makexeCJKactive
Any help is much appreciated.