Fonts & Character SetsLooking for a (computer) table of LaTeX symbols

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Looking for a (computer) table of LaTeX symbols

Post by seb1732 »


I am new to this forum so I apologise if this has already been posted/answered.

I am looking for a (reasonably comprehensive) table of LaTeX symbols in a format such as:

Code: Select all

LaTeX command;Font;Character code;Unicode
I am aware of the excellent "Comprehensive LATEX Symbol List" by Scott Pakin but this is only available as pdf, not in a computer file format such as the above

Can anyone help?



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Re: Looking for a (computer) table of LaTeX symbols

Post by josephwright »

I doubt it. There is not much call for such an approach: for print, symbols need to come from the same font or at least ones that are compatible. So there are lots of subsets for different areas: I'd imagine you'll find lots of alphas but less of other symbols.
Joseph Wright
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Re: Looking for a (computer) table of LaTeX symbols

Post by seb1732 »

my motivation is to convert TeX symbols into RTF
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Looking for a (computer) table of LaTeX symbols

Post by frabjous »

Ask the maintainers of DeTeXify; they might have something along those lines.
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Re: Looking for a (computer) table of LaTeX symbols

Post by seb1732 »

thanks frabjous I'll try that
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