Text FormattingTurabian style: quote environment

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Turabian style: quote environment

Post by alarswilson »

Thanks. This (with the included modifications) fixed everything except for one thing.

Before quote and quotation environments, I need a fixed, double space. The code you gave me correctly changes the space after these environments to a baseline skip. But before these environments, there is too much space.

I don't know how exactly to make these identical. Thanks for your help.

Code: Select all

% quote and quotation indents and margins
    \listparindent 0.5in
    \itemindent 0pt
    \leftmargin 0.5in
    \rightmargin \leftmargin
    \parsep 0pt
    \topsep 0pt
        \listparindent 0.5in%
        \itemindent 0pt
        \leftmargin 0.5in
        \rightmargin \leftmargin
        \topsep 0pt

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