Text FormattingProposition, Theorem, etc numbering and \ref

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Proposition, Theorem, etc numbering and \ref

Post by lalop »

I'm using the memoir class with amsmath, amssymb, amsthm.

I have two questions:

1) When I index the theorem by page, specifically

Code: Select all


\newtheorem{lem}[thm]{Lemma} %to be part of the same numbering scheme
so that the theorems come out like Theorem 15.2 (15th page, 2nd item), the numbering has a tendency to commonly overspill to the next page. For example, the first item on page 15 is usually Theorem 14.6. It's really only a problem with spilling over to the topmost item on a page. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix/minimize this?

2) Does anyone know how to make it so using \ref{theoremlabel} gives not only the number, but the type as well? For instance, "Corollary 9.2" instead of just "9.2".

Thanks beforehand.

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Proposition, Theorem, etc numbering and \ref

Post by gmedina »


the first problem comes from the asynchronous mechanism that LaTeX uses to build the document pages. I'll think about this.
lalop wrote:...2) Does anyone know how to make it so using \ref{theoremlabel} gives not only the number, but the type as well? For instance, "Corollary 9.2" instead of just "9.2"...
Use the ntheorem package and the \thref command.
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Re: Proposition, Theorem, etc numbering and \ref

Post by lalop »

Hm, the option thmmarks seems to conflict with \tag in the \[ \] environment; it comes with an error saying tag isn't allowed.

Current options: [amsmath,amsthm,thref,thmmarks] or [amsmath,plain,thref,thmmarks]

[It's not that terribly great a problem, I guess, since I can just define my own command to test the actual label.]
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Proposition, Theorem, etc numbering and \ref

Post by gmedina »

By now you should be aware of the relevance of providing minimal and complete code and not just useless snippets. The following code works OK for me:

Code: Select all



\[ a=b \]

If you are experiencing some problem, please give us some minimal and complete code allowing us to easily reproduce the undesired behaviour.
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Proposition, Theorem, etc numbering and \ref

Post by lalop »

gmedina wrote:...

Code: Select all



\[ a=b \tag{hi} \]

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Re: Proposition, Theorem, etc numbering and \ref

Post by daleif »

that has nothing to do with ntheorem, you cannot add a tag (which would override an equation number) inside an environment that does not provide equation numbers.
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Proposition, Theorem, etc numbering and \ref

Post by lalop »

It does work, though, if you remove the ntheorem line:

Code: Select all



\[ a=b \tag{hi} \]

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Re: Proposition, Theorem, etc numbering and \ref

Post by daleif »

to me that is an error (or undocumented feature)
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Re: Proposition, Theorem, etc numbering and \ref

Post by lalop »

oh well : x as i said, i can customize \thref instead
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