TeXShop"you can't use \eqno in math mode" in Texlive 2009

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"you can't use \eqno in math mode" in Texlive 2009

Post by irixmark »


I've just updated Texshop to 2.30 and installed Texlive 2009 at the same time. Suddenly, I'm getting the dreaded

Code: Select all

you can't use \eqno in math mode
error for a very simple equation:

g_i(t)=\lambda_{i}e^{-\lambda_{t}, t > 0

Also, everything after the comma goes into the exponent, which is not what I wanted.

What could be causing this? Later in the same document, more complicated equations and subequations are numbered without a hitch. With Texshop 2.29 and Texlive 2008 it worked fine.

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"you can't use \eqno in math mode" in Texlive 2009

Post by gmedina »

irixmark wrote:...
g_i(t)=\lambda_{i}e^{-\lambda_{t}, t > 0
What could be causing this?
Perhaps the missing closing brace? Try with

Code: Select all

  g_i(t)=\lambda_{i}e^{-\lambda_{t}}, t > 0
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Re: "you can't use \eqno in math mode" in Texlive 2009

Post by irixmark »

Oh yes, of course. :oops: Thanks so much for pointing it out. My only consolation is that Texlive 2008 swallowed it without complaining.

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"you can't use \eqno in math mode" in Texlive 2009

Post by gmedina »

irixmark wrote:Oh yes, of course. :oops: Thanks so much for pointing it out...
You're welcome.
irixmark wrote:...My only consolation is that Texlive 2008 swallowed it without complaining.
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"you can't use \eqno in math mode" in Texlive 2009

Post by phi »

Sometimes it's helpful to look at more than one error message at a time. The first message is not really helpful:

Code: Select all

ERROR: You can't use `\eqno' in math mode.

--- TeX said ---
\endequation ->\eqno 
                     \hbox {\@eqnnum }$$\@ignoretrue 
l.6 \end{equation}
--- HELP ---
From the .log file...

Sorry, but I'm not programmed to handle this case;
I'll just pretend that you didn't ask for it.
If you're in the wrong mode, you might be able to
return to the right one by typing `I}' or `I$' or `I\par'.
But the second error message is more helpful:

Code: Select all

ERROR: Missing } inserted.

--- TeX said ---
<inserted text> 
l.6 \end{equation}
--- HELP ---
TeX has become confused. The position indicated by the error locator
is probably beyond the point where the incorrect input is.
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