Fonts & Character SetsHow do I produce Spanish for accented char?

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How do I produce Spanish for accented char?

Post by mvaled »

Hi all,

I've been using latex regularly for over a year. I write mostly in Spanish using the babel package for ease of typing. I also use the inputenc package to type in UTF-8 encoding.

I have just notice that I can't copy and paste accented words from the PDF.

If I write something like: "También constituye una muestra ...", then when I copy from the resulting PDF and paste I get something like:

Code: Select all

Tambi ́n constituye una muestra
Notice the tilde over the "n" is not a single glyph, but two overlapping ones; and the "e" has been placed on the following line.

Any ideas how to produce the "real" é?

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Re: How do I produce Spanish for accented char?

Post by mvaled »

I've just hit my head with fontenc and all my problems were down to 0.

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How do I produce Spanish for accented char?

Post by localghost »

You need to enable Cork Encoding (T1 encoding) by means of the fontenc package to get that feature.

Code: Select all


  También constituye uña muestra
If that doesn't help, try additionally the cmap package.

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