eching wrote:[...] When I run that code I get "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" in Palatino, but the phonetic characters within \textipa{} appear in Computer Modern, which is what I don't want. I'm sure it is possible since TIPA does have multiple fonts made to match Times and Helvetica in addition to Computer Modern. It just doesn't seem to realise that Computer Modern isn't an appropriate fallback option with all other typefaces! [...]
The phonetic characters are
not typeset in Computer Modern, but TeX-tipa. If you want Times style for the running text, try
txfonts instead of
pxfonts. But this doesn't change the fonts of the phonetic symbols. The embedded fonts are shown below.
Code: Select all
thorsten@localghost:/tmp> pdffonts tipa-xmpl.pdf
name type emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- --- --- --- ---------
KLBAMT+NimbusRomNo9L-Regu Type 1 yes yes no 4 0
ZQDKPM+TeX-tipa10 Type 1 yes yes no 5 0
The first one comes from the
txfonts package.
Nimbus Roman No9 L (Regular) is the free version of
Times New Roman.
eching wrote:[...] PS Actually I am using Garamond on XeTeX in TexLive 2008, but the problem is hopefully identical.
No, the problem is completely different. As far as I know the
tipa package would need an adaption to XeTeX. But perhaps the
fontspec package can help.