Text FormattingIndent paragraphs after chapter and section headings

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Indent paragraphs after chapter and section headings

Post by alarswilson »

LaTeX's default leaves the first paragraph after chapter, section, subsection etc. headings non indented. How do I make change this so that these are indented as other paragraphs are by default?

EDIT: I found a package that changes this setting, no need for help.

FYI: indentfirst.sty

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Indent paragraphs after chapter and section headings

Post by localghost »

I already showed you with a complete example that you don't need that package [1]. You should have noticed that if you tested it. This can also be done with the titlesec package. Take a look at its options and read its manual. Load only packages you really need.

[1] View topic: Trouble with dissertation formatting in Turabian style

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Re: Indent paragraphs after chapter and section headings

Post by alarswilson »

Thank you; I did not look closely enough at your code. My apologies. As always you are very helpful.
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Indent paragraphs after chapter and section headings

Post by paulrobert_ca »

Here's the easiest solution I could think of:

Code: Select all

\hspace{2em}This is my indented paragraph
It works with negative values too, for creating hanging indents as in this example:

Code: Select all

\hspace{-2em}Turner, Fred. \emph{From Counterculture to Cyberculture: Stewart Brand, the Whole Earth Network, and the Rise of Digital Utopianism}. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006.\\
(I know, I should be using BibTex etc.)
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