BibTeX, biblatex and biberApacite - Problem - Use of @year@ doesn't match its def

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Apacite - Problem - Use of @year@ doesn't match its def

Post by lustig »


I am trying to use the apacite package but I run into a problem!

Here is my code:

\topmargin -1cm
\section{Value Creation Management}
A company has to create value is a comman phrase. But what is a value? There are three views when we look at value of a company \cite{Wildemann2007}.

When I build this I get the following error:

Use of @year@ doesn't match its definition.
\Y.Wildmann2007 ->\@year@ 0

I assume this is related to my bibtex library which I am using (generated by Jabref). The code for Wildmann2007 is:

title = {Wertsteigerung durch Wertschöpfung},
publisher = {TCW Transfer-Centrum-Verlag, München},
year = {2007},
author = {Horst Wildemann},
review = {blablabla},
timestamp = {2008.12.12}

I am using TexNicCenter if this information is needed...

After building the text the following is shown: (0, )

I know there are plenty of discussions about apacite but I checked them without success.

So please let me know what the issue is or could be!

Thanks in advance!


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Re: Apacite - Problem - Use of @year@ doesn't match its def

Post by Chan »

Try commenting out the babel package. I think apacite has problems with babel and hyperref. I commented those packages out of my document and my citations formatted correctly. I don't understand why, but it worked for me.
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Re: Apacite - Problem - Use of @year@ doesn't match its def

Post by SmithWillSuffice »

Regrding the hyperref + apacite package compatibility problems, the simplest solution is (for now) to place your




in your preamble. (Reference: ... 02#preview)

The normal hyperlinks will work, but unfortunately the APA citations will now not be hyperlinked to your bibliography. It's the cheapest workaround though, at least for the apacite.* versions I'm using.
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