Document ClassesBibLaTeX: Verbose citation style but authoryear as shortcite

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BibLaTeX: Verbose citation style but authoryear as shortcite

Post by asblom »


I'm trying to learn BibLaTeX but I have some problems.

I would like to use the verbose style but instead of using the authortitle citation as the "short cite" entry (when you cite to a key at the second time) I would prefer if it used a entry consisting of the autor(s) and the year of the key.

Also I got some entries who doesn't have an author, so if that is the case I would like BibLaTeX to cite to the title and year instead.

So this is the pseudocode for the short cite:

Code: Select all

if author==true
  citation=author (year)
else %I.e. no author exist
  citation=title (year)
Kind regards,
Currently using: OsX, TexShop, Biblatex

Current TeX-interest: Biblatex

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BibLaTeX: Verbose citation style but authoryear as shortcite

Post by asblom »

I solved it myself after some hacking. I must say that I really like Biblatex.

I solved it by doing my own style based on verbose.

First I changed the existing cite command to:

Code: Select all

and then added the macro

Code: Select all

So great!

Currently using: OsX, TexShop, Biblatex

Current TeX-interest: Biblatex
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