Generaltabular x and multirow

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tabular x and multirow

Post by frey »


I make a table like this:
| long | long | line | long | long |
| | |----------- | | |
| line | line | line | line | line | line |

And use next commands:

\multirow{2}{1.2cm}{long line} & \multirow{2}{1.2cm}{long line} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{line} & \multirow{2}{1.3(!!)cm}{long\-(!!)line} & \multirow{2}{1.2cm}{long line} & \multirow{2}{1.2cm}{long line}\\
& & line & line & & &\\

(!!) - mean, that i fix it by hand and spend long time to achieve, that text fit to the row.
Is there are more simple way to create this table and touch nothing by hand (like changing row width and inserting hyphen)?


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Re: tabular x and multirow

Post by balfonsi »

I'm not sure I understand very well what you require, but notice that \multirow{n}{*}{fiddledeedee} adapts the width of your multirow cell to the natural width of its contents. Is that what you want to do?

Posts: 11
Joined: Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:26 pm

tabular x and multirow

Post by frey »

Thanks for reply!
Ok, what i get currently:
and what with {*} (i tried this before with no luck :( ):

\multirow{2}{*}{Код работ} & \multirow{2}{*}{Определение работы} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Исполнители} & \multirow{2}{*}{Трудоемкость} & \multirow{2}{*}{Оклад (руб.)} & \multirow{2}{*}{ЗП (руб.)}\\
& & Должность & Кол-во & & &\\
P.S.: Sorry for russian text.

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