Fonts & Character Setsstandard mathcal with mathdesign

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standard mathcal with mathdesign

Post by dnemoc »


I've been trying to use standard mathcal letters with mathdesign-garamond. Mathdesign apparently overloads mathcal with a set of letters resembling the mathscr letters. I tried to do the following:

Code: Select all

\usepackage[urw-garamond, greekuppercase=upright, greeklowercase=italicized, sfscaled=true, ttscaled=true]{mathdesign}
but pdfLaTeX says that mathcal is already defined. Is there a way to use standard mathcal letters with mathdesign?

Best regards, and thanks a lot.
- D.

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Posts: 19
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standard mathcal with mathdesign

Post by dnemoc »

Found two possible solutions after some experimentation:

1. Simply adding

Code: Select all

after loading mathdesign works pretty well if one is satisfied with somewhat nonstandard (euscript) mathcal.

2. Adding

Code: Select all

after loading mathdesign produces standard mathcal with mathdesign.
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standard mathcal with mathdesign

Post by john_perry »

It isn't in the documentation for some reason, but while I was looking at the source code for mathdesign.sty, I discovered that:
  • mathdesign creates a new math script font;
  • it deliberately conflates this font with the calligraphic font (the documentation does hint at this); and
  • an undocumented option turns it off!

    Code: Select all

I wonder why he didn't put that in the documentation. The other option for cal is script, which substitutes the script for the traditional calligraphic font---but this is the default.
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