localghost wrote:
Got to the TXC Tutorials section where you can find a document with instructions how to make TXC and SumatraPDF work together.
Sorry, when I wrote:
I tried following the instructions carefully in the tutorial mentioned above...
I was referring to the document that you linked to. As I wrote before, I tried to follow those instructions exactly and received the error messages I quoted. My best guess is that there are some other settings I need to change or components I need to update which are not discussed in the tutorials.
Oh, sorry. Should have read more carefully. The instructions in this tutorial work fine for me. You must have missed something. Make sure that you have inserted all necessary command line arguments for the compiler (especially the synctex option).
One thing I'm not sure about is that in section 3 of the tutorial it says that it may be necessary to delete the configuration file in the Sumatra PDF folder and the .synctex file corresponding to my source file if I made a mistake. I don't seem to have either of these files (but that might just mean I haven't made certain mistakes?).
Also, there is one other error in the Output window: "Couldn't find input index file." Could that be part of the problem?