Fonts & Character Setspsgreek and sans serif font

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psgreek and sans serif font

Post by gertschi »

I've installed the psgreek font in MiKTeX 2.8 since I need to write a few greek words. Everything works fine as long as I don't change the default font. However, I have to use a sans serif font as default in my document. I'm changing the font with:

Code: Select all

As soon as I add that line the greek font looks ugly in the resulting PDF file (I can see the pixels). You can use the following example to reproduce the problem:

Code: Select all

\documentclass[paper=A4, fontsize=11pt]{scrbook}

\usepackage[polutonikogreek, english]{betababel}



Some greek words: \bcode{krupto/s2} and \bcode{gra/fein}
Do you know a solution for this?

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Re: psgreek and sans serif font

Post by frabjous »

Why do you need the psgreek package? Your document works fine for me if I just comment out the \usepackage{psgreek} line.
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