Here is MWE that produces the output:
Code: Select all
{\phantom{\tt{XX}}} \ar@/_1pc/[rd] & \tt{HF\_ship\_sim} \\
& {\phantom{\tt{XX}}} \ar@/_1pc/[rd] & \tt{AddWakeField} \\
& & {\phantom{\tt{XX}}} & \tt{CalcWakeFieldVelocity}
Basically, I guess it's a usage issue (knowing how to use XY-Pic package). The problem is that arrows are drawn from the
middle of the bottom of the "from" entry, which is why I use \phantom{XX} entries for the source and destination of the arrows as "placeholders" for the actual text stored in the subsequent entry on the same row, and shifted to the left, except it's not quite working...
If I incorporate the text lines in the diagram not as separate entries but rather between \save and \restore and tweak their position via +<x,y> as follows
Code: Select all
{\phantom{XX}} \ar@/_1pc/[rd]
\save[]+<0.8cm,-0.07cm>*\txt<8pc>{\tt{HF\_ship\_sim}}\restore \\
& {\phantom{XX}} \ar@/_1pc/[rd]
\save[]+<0.9cm,0cm>*\txt<8pc>{\tt{AddWakeField}}\restore \\
&& {\phantom{XX}}
then the output looks much better

- betterimage.jpg (10.5 KiB) Viewed 3912 times
except that it cannot be centered as a figure, because apparently the text between the \save and \restore is not taken into account when computing the dimensions of the enclosing box for purposes of centering.