Fonts & Character Setsinstall Inconsolata font in texlive 2007 from macports

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install Inconsolata font in texlive 2007 from macports

Post by seron »


I'd to replace the typewriter font in my artice-type document with the Inconsolata font, but have no idea how to add it to the texlive 2007 installation, which is the most recent available from macports.

The Inconsolata package contains a bunch of files in a flat file structure and there's no installation instructions (only usage instructions) as far as I could see.

How could I do this?

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install Inconsolata font in texlive 2007 from macports

Post by frabjous »

I think someone else could probably give you instructions on installing for TL 2007, but why not just switch to MacTeX 2009?
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install Inconsolata font in texlive 2007 from macports

Post by seron »

frabjous wrote:I think someone else could probably give you instructions on installing for TL 2007, but why not just switch to MacTeX 2009?
I've considered that. It's because I'm afraid I'll break something. I would prefer not to introduce a big change now that I have it working with TextMate. I'm still a newbie with LaTeX and I'm afraid I'll introduce some new problem and lose the direct rendering from TextMate that's working pretty well.
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