TeXShopInserting images, Latex not displaying figures in PDF output

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Inserting images, Latex not displaying figures in PDF output

Post by BNPadgett »

I know that my \ref{blah} within the document matches the \ref{} within the Figure. Also, the filepath that I specified is correct. But for some odd reason, Latex is inverting and mirroring the image. Even though I have not told it to do so! I have discovered something interesting though... I have been building my images in Photoshop and depending on how I build the image (micronmarker first, label second, main image, etc.) it affects whether or not it will display the image properly. I am saving everything as a JPEG so I know that isn't the issue. As I am writing this it makes me think that this might actually be a Photoshop issue, but I thought I would put this issue out in the ether and see if someone has a solution.


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Inserting images, Latex not displaying figures in PDF output

Post by Juanjo »

Please, provide a minimal working example (a bit of code), attach the corresponding graphics files (there some limits about size), and explain the results you obtain, so everybody can try and compare. This is the best way to know if it is a LaTeX issue.
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