BibTeX, biblatex and biberhow to work out bibliography issues between multiple authors

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how to work out bibliography issues between multiple authors

Post by yoo »

Let's say authors X, Y and Z are writing a single paper. Three people may have their own bib files. If X writes part 1 of the paper freely referencing from X's own bib file and Y writes part 2 referencing from Y's own bib file, then there may be some merge issue later.
If X, Y and Z all decides to use a single bib file, then it means each author is going to manage several bib files (another collaboration with with Y', Z', another collaboration with Y'', Z'') and I don't know how to manage several bib files efficiently.
So I don't know what is the best way.

What do you do when you write a collaborative paper?

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Re: how to work out bibliography issues between multiple authors

Post by Medova »

We set up a SVN-server that automatically keeps track of versions of our tex-documents, using the same file/folder-structure. We therefore only need one bib-database.

The only thing you need to learn is the phrase:
1. Update (Get the latest version of the bib-database)
2. Apply changes (Write your changes to the file)
3. Save (Of course; save your work)
4. Commit (Commit the new version of the file to the SVN-server, in order to make it available to author, Y and Z)
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