Text Formattingthe command to auto generate some text

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the command to auto generate some text

Post by Faust »

Just for testing. I forgot what it was and cant seem to find it that fast. Anyone?

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the command to auto generate some text

Post by Lucia »

Do you mean the blindtext package?
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the command to auto generate some text

Post by olofos »

Another alternative is lipsum
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the command to auto generate some text

Post by localghost »

In rare cases the lipsum package can cause problems [1]. But this was only discovered when used inside footnotes for demonstration purposes.

[1] View topic: Memoir and spacing between footnotes

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the command to auto generate some text

Post by frabjous »

Am I the only one who's noticed the following about the blindtext package?

The \blindtext command, in English, generates:
Hello, here is some text without a meaning. This text should show, how a printed text will look like at this place. If you read this text, you will get no information. Really? Is there no information? Is there a difference between this text and some nonsense like »Huardest gefburn«. Kjift – Never mind! A blind text like this gives you information about the selected font, how the letters are written and the impression of the look. This text should contain all letters of the alphabet and it should be written in of the original language. There is no need for a special contents, but the length of words should match to the language.
There is no "z" or "q" in this text, so it breaks its own recommendation that it "should contain all letters of the alphabet". The "in of" part is ungrammatical as well.
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the command to auto generate some text

Post by localghost »

frabjous wrote:Am I the only one who's noticed the following about the blindtext package? [...] There is no "z" or "q" in this text, so it breaks its own recommendation that it "should contain all letters of the alphabet". The "in of" part is ungrammatical as well.
Just send an according note to the maintainer. It is very unlikely that he will read this thread. You are free to report the result.
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