Graphics, Figures & Tablescounter modification of "listoftables"...

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counter modification of "listoftables"...

Post by 0.8.15 »

hi ya all,
how can i change the "listoftables" and "listoffigures" counter.
i want to generate them separately in the "tableofcontents" like:

Abb."2.Kapitel" and "erstes Bild/Tabelle in diesem Kapitel"
for instance:
Abb.2-1 or Tab.2-1

i am already able to generate:
Abb. and Tab.



\includegraphics[width=1.00\textwidth]{link xyz.jpg}
\caption{\textbf{Bildnahme \cite{bib-14}}}
\end{figure} the same way i am not able to generate a right counter for the "Tabellenverzeichnis".
thank^s in advance for a helpfull answer. ;)

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Re: counter modification of "listoftables"...

Post by 0.8.15 »

I solved my problem:

\makeatletter \@addtoreset{figure}{section} \makeatother
\makeatletter \@addtoreset{table}{section} \makeatother

\usepackage{tocloft} % die Benennung im Abbildungs-und Tabellenverzeichnis kann geändert werden:
\renewcommand{\cftfigpresnum}{\textbf{Abb.}} % gibt "`Abb."' in "`Abbildungsverzeichnis aus.
\setlength{\cftfignumwidth}{3cm} % alternative Abstandeinstellung zw. Abb.X.X und caption{Beschriftung}

%Tabellen im "appendix" werden mit römischen Zahlen in das Tabellenverzeicnis geschrieben:

\makeatletter \@addtoreset{table}{part} \makeatother

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counter modification of "listoftables"...

Post by localghost »

Do not use the caption2 package. It is obsolete and superseded by the caption package. Using the current version makes your modifications much easier.

Code: Select all

Please use the code environment to tag code a such. It keeps a post clear and legible.

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