As you will see from the MWE, though I had intended to illustrate only one point there are two problems - both of which probably arise from entering math mode to get the Greek letter
1. In the 1st line the epsilon is either too close to the 'm' or too far from the 's' (or both). How might I fix that?
2. As the font size increases it seems the epsilon doesn't.
There is an epsilon in Bookman Old Style (unicode 03B5) - how might I access that? I'm using the xunicode package and though e.g. fontspec suggests xunicode would help me do this it doesn't seem to have a manual.
And if I still need to adjust letter-spacing, how do I do that?
Finally, whatever the solution is to changing the Greek letter size (if it isn't to get the character from Bookman Old Style, how do I get it to respect the current font specification automatically?
Two hours of googling, looking at manuals and I still have no idea...
Code: Select all
\documentclass[final,twoside,openright,showtrims,10pt]{memoir} %
% XeTeX stuff
\setmainfont{Bookman Old Style}
\font\bookmanTenItalic="Bookman Old Style Italic" at 10pt
\font\bookmanTwelveItalic="Bookman Old Style Italic" at 12pt
\font\bookmanElevenFourteen="Bookman Old Style Italic" at 14pt
\bookmanTenItalic The problem is with the spacing between the $\epsilon$ and the 's' in 'm$\epsilon$s' \par
\bookmanTwelveItalic The problem is with the spacing between the $\epsilon$ and the 's' in 'm$\epsilon$s' \par
\bookmanElevenFourteen The problem is with the spacing between the $\epsilon$ and the 's' in 'm$\epsilon$s' \par