I use texniccenter on windows 7, and always make pdf's. Now I'm a bit tired of continuously hitting F5 and having to SCROLL DOWN to view the (minor) changes I've been making. Especially with 20+ page documents this is starting to annoy me.
Now my question: Is there a way to get acrobat (or any other) to auto-open on the page I'm working on when I'm hitting F5 in Texniccenter.
I am using the PDF-XChange Viewer (http://www.docu-track.com) which is able to remember the last view of a document. The command for closng the document before compilation is "/close filename".
An alternative is GSView which does not open the pdf exclusively (the file can be left open during compilation). After compilation you only have to switch to GSView, it will reload the new pdf wihtout changing the actual view.
Probably you're best off following the advice in another thread about SumatraPDF, but if you do want to use Acrobat/Adobe Reader, I believe you just need to set the appropriate setting.
For example, in Adobe Reader 9 for linux, under Edit > Preferences > Documents, there's a section called "Open Settings", where you can check the first box "Restore last view settings when reopening documents".
I assume there's a similar setting for Adobe Reader and Acrobat Pro for Windows, though it's been too long since I've used it.
Can I also ask, however, that you try not to post the same question in several forums? It's annoying.
Faust wrote:[…] Last, Why would someone want to make a PS (postscript) output or DVI output in Texniccenter?
For in formation about the DVI (DeVice Independent) file format take a look at the Wikipedia article [1].
Some packages like pstricks (and related) are bound to the use of the latex compiler engine because they use Postscript specials to generate their output. For the pstricks family there exists a workaround with the (auto-)pst-pdf package that makes it possible to use the pdflatex compiler engine directly. In general the capabilities of the Postscript language should not be underestimated.