GeneralAlternate citation format

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Alternate citation format

Post by Ian222 »

I am writing a paper for a journal that requires superscript citations and I am using bibtex for my references. I would like to write something of the form, "As proposed in reference 11", while still using some form of \cite or something similar so it will show up in the bibliography. I don't want it to appear, "As proposed in reference^11".
I looked at using \citealias with natbib, but creating an alias of 'reference 11', would mean I know the reference order. If I modify the document and it is no longer 11, this creates a good chance for a mistake. I would appreciate any advice. Thanks in advance.

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Alternate citation format

Post by localghost »

Perhaps the cite package might do the trick. For further information refer to the documentation. You can access it (if the package is installed) via command prompt on your machine.

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texdoc cite
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Re: Alternate citation format

Post by Ian222 »

You're right, thanks a lot. The command is \citen. If I write, "As proposed in reference \citen{CitationName}", it comes out as I intended. Thanks again.
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