I have a persistent problem that I'm unable to solve on my own. Due to the nature of my data, I would like to present it in a table, but in each cell the data should be itemized as well. The problem is that the spacing of itemize environment is too large, so the table has too much white space inside.
I tried to define my own list with all possible parameters set to zero (\topsep, \parsep, etc.), but my list still adds some additional space above and below the entire block. Currently my best solution is compactitem environment defined in paralist package, however, I wish to get rid of all extra space above and below the environment. Left indentation should possibly be reduced as well. Is there some way to achieve it? Otherwise, what may be the alternatives? (paragraph boxes, tables inside the table?)
I attach a file with the table and below I post an extract of the latex code which was used to generate it:
Code: Select all
\begin{tabular}{p{0.2\textwidth} p{0.4\textwidth} p{0.3\textwidth}}
Properties & \hspace{0.8cm} Various effects & \hspace{0.8cm} Uses\\
Surface area effect &
\item Surface area per weight is over 100 times higher than that of usual fibers.
\item Very large adsorption.
& \begin{compactitem}
\item Adsorption material
\item Biochemical hazard prevention material
\item Ion-exchange material
Slip effect
\item Flow of molecules changes and pressure loss becomes much smaller.
\item Air filter
\item Biochemical hazard prevention material