Fonts & Character SetsMathdesign & Garamond

Information and discussion about fonts and character sets (e.g. how to use language specific characters)
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Mathdesign & Garamond

Post by clueless »

Hi. I am not an experienced TeX user and know very little about how it actually works. I was hoping to set something in URW Garamond using the mathdesign package, but somehow it refuses to set anything in italic and gives me error messages. The body text is Garamond in the output, as is the math, but the math is unitalicized. I reinstalled the package and I believe everything went into the right directory based on the great number of objects it asked me if I wanted to replace. The Adobe Utopia and Bitstream Charter options for the package work fine.

The error message that pops up is "The font 'GaramondNo8-Reg' contains a bad /BBox." Sometimes I get instead that "The font 'GaramondNo8-Ita' contains a bad /BBox."

The .log file file doesn't seem to have any anomalies until the end, which is as follows.
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
1656 strings out of 95408
20039 string characters out of 1187142
51153 words of memory out of 1054853
4748 multiletter control sequences out of 60000
41574 words of font info for 54 fonts, out of 1000000 for 2000
14 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
29i,4n,29p,234b,113s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,32768s
PDF statistics:
28 PDF objects out of 300000
0 named destinations out of 300000
1 words of extra memory for PDF output out of 10000
<C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/fonts/type1/bluesky/eul
er/eufm10.pfb><C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/fonts/type1/mathdesign/mdugm/md-gmri
7m.pfb>{cm-super-t1.enc}<C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/fonts/type1/public/cm-supe
r/sfss1000.pfb><C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.5/fonts/type1/public/cm-super/sftt100
Warning: (file ugmr8a.pfb): cannot open Type 1 font file for reading

Warning: (file ugmm8a.pfb): cannot open Type 1 font file for reading

Warning: (file ugmri8a.pfb): cannot open Type 1 font file for reading

Warning: (file ugmr8a.pfb): cannot open Type 1 font file for reading
Output written on test.pdf (1 page, 45638 bytes).

The input is as follows.


This is some text, nice \textit{Garamond} text.
Oh texty, \textbf{texty} \textsl{text}, how I love thee.
\texttt{Please compile properly} \textsf{for once}.\\

\(\alpha\beta\gamma\delta \quad
abcdefg \quad
\mathfrak{abcdefg} \quad
\deg f\)


Thanks for any help.

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Re: Mathdesign & Garamond

Post by Juanjo »

I have tested your code and I have the same problems. I use the TeXLive 2007 distribution instead of MikTeX. So it seems that the problem comes from the package itself, not from your TeX instalation. Try to contact the package's author and report the problem.
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Re: Mathdesign & Garamond

Post by balfonsi »

Very simple: mathdesign installs the math fonts, not the urw text fonts. You have to download from any CTAN the contents of the urwgaramond package (by Walter Schmidt) and follow the installation instructions.

In case of difficulty, let me know.
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Re: Mathdesign & Garamond

Post by clueless »

Thanks for the help!

All right, I went to <> and downloaded, and I put everything in what I think was the right place, although I didn't have a \tex\context\third\ directory, so I created one. I put f-urwgaramond.tpm in \tpm\packages rather in than \tpm, where there were only the two files t-bib.tpm and u-texshow.tpm. The fonts all went into the already existing folders where the mathdesign fonts were. I updated the filename database too. When I run my document, though, I still get the same result.
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Re: Mathdesign & Garamond

Post by balfonsi »

Ok. The package you need is urw-garamond, not context-urwgaramond. It is designed for latex and you'll find it in /CTAN/fonts/urw/garamond/. Actually, the simplest way is to download /CTAN/fonts/urw/, which is a zipped version of the preceding directory. In that directory, you'll find all the type 1 font files (afm, pfm and pfb),a readme.garamond that explains where to put those files (if you're under windows,you also can put them in \windows\fonts, so you can use them for, say openoffice, or any other 'standard' software). You'll also find a file, that you have to unzip at the root of a tex directory -- in my case it is in \TeXMFlocal\. It contains all the files specific to LaTeX in order to use the font (tfm's, vf's, fd's and Unzipping simply as I said will put them exactly where they have to be.

Then you'll have to refresh the filenames database for TeX; what that operation consists of exactly depends on your system, but is explained in readme.garamond.

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Alex B.
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Re: Mathdesign & Garamond

Post by Alex B. »

Hi balfonsi and clueless,

I'm not sure if balfonsi's instructions will work. I also installed the URW Garamond No. 8 some months ago and I took some additional steps:

1. The place of the font files (metrics, etc.): I don't think extracting the files to \windows\fonts will work. LaTeX only searches and monitors files in specific paths - usually the TEXMF and LOCALTEXMF path - and these paths have to be registered in the global Windows System path variable. It will definitely work if you unzip the files to your local MiKTeX path you entered during the installation process and which is visible in the "MikTex Options -> Roots" menu. If you plan to install additional fonts in the future, it's usefull to adobt the directory structure of the zip file with subdirectories like afm, pk, type1 etc. in your local path. (I guess there are subdirectories - if not, simply forget it)

2. I'm also using MikTeX 2.5 and to get access to the new fonts, LaTeX needs a local version of the updmap.cfg file. This file originally has to be created by the user. In my case with using a German Windows version, the file is located in C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen \ All Users \ Alex \ Anwendungsdateien \ MiKTeX \ 2.5 \ miktex \ config \
It's a simple text file you can create and edit with every text editor, but take care that the suffix really is .cfg and not .cfg.txt! Sometimes, Windows doesn't show the full file name.
Create the blank file and add the line


to the file and save it. Again, the correct suffix of the file is crucial.

3. I'm really not sure if it's already necessary but I entered the following commands in a command line window ("DOS shell") AFTER updating the LaTeX database ("Refresh FNDB" and "Update Formats"):

initexmf -u

Hope that helps!
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Re: Mathdesign & Garamond

Post by clueless »

It worked! Thank you!
I did what Alex suggested too, afterwards, just in case. Thanks!
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Mathdesign & Garamond

Post by Montag »

can anyone give me a hint why it wouldn't work for me?
I also added the line

Code: Select all

to the usual .cfg-file, but it didn't work. I also ran the commands

Code: Select all

initexmf -u
AFTER I clicked on "Refresh FNDB".

Well, I'm pretty much confused because that's exactly how it worked for me with the MinionPro font.
And I figured it would be much easier because the font files for LaTeX were already in the fiel Right?
OS: Win 7 64-bit LaTeX: MikTeX 2.9 64-bit Editor: TXC 1 RC1
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Re: Mathdesign & Garamond

Post by Montag »

*bump* :)
OS: Win 7 64-bit LaTeX: MikTeX 2.9 64-bit Editor: TXC 1 RC1
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