I know the syntax is: \fontsize{size}{baselineskip} and the manual helpfully says that if I only want to change the size I should write e.g. \fontsize{12}{\f@baselineskip} (See e.g. http://www.latex-project.org/guides/fntguide.pdf, p8)
However, if I try that I get an "undefined control sequence" error, which then says
<argument> \f
then "missing number" and "illegal unit of measure"
...and I can't find any information on \f or the @ symbol either.
The block in question looks something like this (other preamble etc. skipped)...
Code: Select all
\font\oddFont="Berylium/B/I/S=10" at 10pt
You mus\fontsize{9}{\f@baselineskip}sst!
I was thinking that my decrement font size would eventually look like
\fontsize{\f@size-1}{\f@baselineskip} but...?
TIA - Julian