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Xindy for MiKTeX

Post by lartkma »


I've been working on the installation of Xindy, a flexible, multi-language index processor for LaTeX (and others); for the Windows OS, and specifically for the MiKTeX distribution, which was the only one who did not have the tool (TeXLive has it).

After several attempts, I managed to run Xindy 2.2 in MiKTeX, and the Xindy files are in the MiKTeX main folder, following the MiKTeX folder system.

I uploaded the necessary files to the web, so that anyone with MiKTeX can use it.

  1. Download Xindy for MiKTeX from this link.
  2. Unzip the files in your MiKTeX main folder (for example "C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.8"). The folders in the archive are sorted in a TDS tree, so you can copy and paste the folders in the MiKTeX folder. A "confirm folder replace" should appear. Accept.
  3. Now, in the MiKTeX main folder you can find a file called "texmftemp.cnf" and a script called "ConfigTexmf.vbs". Run the script. It creates the updated file "texmf.cnf", that is the file that Xindy needs. You can erase the script after.
  4. Finally, you need to install a Perl complier. For example, Strawberry Perl.
After this, Xindy should work. I made a simple test for Xindy, that you can download from this link. After unzip the files, run the batch file "run-test". You will obtain a DVI file "indice" that you can compare with "indiceModel"

The development process log can be found here.

If something does not work or there is an error, please reply in this post.

Last edited by lartkma on Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Xindy for MiKTeX

Post by gmedina »

Hi lartkma,

although I don't usually use MiKTeX I will spread the word among some friends of mine that want to benefit from using Xindy with MiKTeX. I think that they will thank and appreciate your effort (of course, I do so).
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Re: Xindy for MiKTeX

Post by bqnguyen »

Hi lartkma:

Thanks for your effort. Where should I unzip the file prior to running the install script?

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Re: Xindy for MiKTeX

Post by bqnguyen »


Please disregard my previous question. It seems that I have been able to install the required files after editing the PATH variable.
In MiKTeK configuration, I enter xindy instead of the usual makeindex for the MakeIndex task. However, it gives me an error: Script interpreter is not found in PATH. What am I missing?
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Xindy for MiKTeX

Post by lartkma »

Hi bqnguyen.

Yes, I found and error when I follow my instructions in computers different than mine, but I never gave me the time for modify. Sorry for that.

The problem is about the Perl interpreter in folder 'tlperl'. I suggest, for now, don't use this (you can erase this folder, and delete the folder's reference in PATH). Try to install a Perl interpreter instead (for example, Strawberry Perl). At the beginning, I don't want to use a new program, but I've seen it's a better option.

I'll upload new files and instructions soon.

Luis Ramirez.
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Re: Xindy for MiKTeX

Post by mehdioa »

Thanks. It worked for me perfectly, even simpler than you. I run
Windows XP SP3, Complete Miktex 2.8 on C:\texmf
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Re: Xindy for MiKTeX

Post by AGhostDog »

Hi lartkma!

After updating my MikTeX distrib, Xindy is no more installed on my XP (I probably did dirty tricks :oops: ).

As your tuto works fine, I would do it again, but the MegaUpload Link is obviously dead right now...

I tried to find another binary on google but I failed. So I dug up this post, to know if you can give us another link ;)

Thank you !
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Re: Xindy for MiKTeX

Post by balf »

Unfortunately, MegaUpload has been closed. Is it possible to have another link, or would anyone have downloaded the necessary files before MegaUpload was closed?
Any help is welcome to make xindy work with MiKTeX.

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Re: Xindy for MiKTeX

Post by andressarmientoc »

Hi lartkma!

I have reviewed the whole process you have done, but please appreciate it if you can upload files to the server, or even better if you could generate a manual to install Xindy and use for MiKTeX

Maybe I'm asking too much but I really need your help.

Thanks for your answer and help

Andrés Sarmiento C.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Xindy for MiKTeX

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Andrés,

welcome to the board!

Speravir posted an explanation here: How to use Xindy with MiKTeX.

Stefan admin
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