DevelopmentTeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 1 - Issues

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Re: TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 1 - Issues

Post by Sergiu »

I'll look into those issues. To keep a better track of all the problems I suggest to fill a report on project's page.
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TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 1 - Issues

Post by Sergiu »

U-Jean wrote: And one more:
the text after \% is colored grey as a comment. This is for the 1058 build, haven't tested it on 1060.
Should be fixed in build 1060.
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Re: TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 1 - Issues

Post by ivsg »

I have build 1012. Just a small typo: in "Edit->Toggle Block Comments" my version has "Toogle" instead.

Also no more enumerated bookmarks?

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TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 1 - Issues

Post by Sergiu »

Fixed the typo. Thanks for the report.
ivsg wrote:Also no more enumerated bookmarks?
Correct, we have bookmark view instead which is more flexible, though not quite finished.
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Re: TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 1 - Issues

Post by max.t »

I also have build 1012 and have encountered following issues:
1. Ctrl-M inserts the string "Klammerblock markieren" into the text instead of selecting the contents of the brackets.
2. When closing a bracket its contents is not highlighted with the configured background color
3. Configuring a hotkey for chosing the active output profile has no effect
Best regards, Max
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TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 1 - Issues

Post by Sergiu »

max.t wrote:I also have build 1012 and have encountered following issues:
1. Ctrl-M inserts the string "Klammerblock markieren" into the text instead of selecting the contents of the brackets.
max.t wrote: 2. When closing a bracket its contents is not highlighted with the configured background color
This option will be removed since the underlying editing component does not support it.
max.t wrote: 3. Configuring a hotkey for chosing the active output profile has no effect
I'll see what I can do.
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Re: TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 1 - Issues

Post by U-Jean »

Is it possible in the alpha to rerun the structure-parser again without restarting the whole application?
The reason I'm asking is that I would like to refresh the references after adding another article to the .bib file externally.
Tino Weinkauf
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TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 1 - Issues

Post by Tino Weinkauf »

U-Jean wrote:Is it possible in the alpha to rerun the structure-parser again without restarting the whole application?
As always, press the "Save All" button.
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TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 1 - Issues

Post by SteveG »


I have the same problem and get the same error as sanji
Exception code: 0xc0000005

See Screenshot:
event_viewer_application_error_texniccenter.jpg (55.72 KiB) Viewed 76516 times
After a clean and fresh install of Windows 7 the Texniccenter 2 (1007)
was running, without any setup (only msxml4sp2) just from the path where
I installed txc under Vista.
But after installing some other applications to my win7 box, texniccenter
don't start anymore and get the error in the event log. No GUI is upcoming.
Just that error message.
So I downloaded and installed txc 1RC1 and that runs without problems
Then removed the 1RC1 and installed txc alpha (1012) with the installer.
But that version doesn't run.
I also checkout revision 1064 and tried to build by myself with
vs 2008 Professional (and Express) with sp1 and installed win7 sdk 7.0, but couldn't compile and got errors. HTML Help is installed in the usual
location "C:\Program Files\HTML Help Workshop" but the first error is:
"Error 1 error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Compiling Help..." TXCUserHelp TXCUserHelp"
BTW: Do I need other libs
Then I installed/registerd SDK 6.1 (Vista) and couldn't compile too.

The other tools are "common" tools and no exotic progs are installed.
Just tools like Java, Visual Stuido 2008 Prof, Visio, OpenOffice,
Expression 3, Adobe Reader and Flash/Shokwave Player and a few
other applications, like creative webcam, nokia phone usb driver,
7zip, Firefox, cygwin, etc. BTW: I cant rollback/uninstall all this
programs ;-)

How can I fix that and how can I run TXC 2.x?

I also tried to rename/delete the msvc9*.dll and mfc9*.dll and the
corresponding manifest files. No success. The app don't start.

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Re: TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 1 - Issues

Post by Sergiu »

When compiling the current trunk version just ignore the error produced by the HTML help file builder by unloading the help project in the solution explorer. This problem should be fixed soon.
TeXnicCenter Developer
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