DevelopmentTeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 1 - Issues

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Re: TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 1 - Issues

Post by U-Jean »

Alpha runs without any crashes on WinXP SP3 and Win7 x64.

But there are some menu items that do not do what they supposed to do:
e.g. "Go to last change" just writes exactly the words "Go to last change" into the document without doing anything else. The same applies to toggle a bookmark.

Another question that the devs could answer:
I was unable to compile the version from the trunk or the Alpha branch.
The error (PRJ0019) was caused by the "Writing Subversion Information" tool. And some errors followed concerning the version.h file which has not been written. I could not find out the reason, is it possible that this is caused by some double-slashes (\\) in the Output-Path-variables?

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TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 1 - Issues

Post by Sergiu »

U-Jean wrote:Alpha runs without any crashes on WinXP SP3 and Win7 x64.

But there are some menu items that do not do what they supposed to do:
e.g. "Go to last change" just writes exactly the words "Go to last change" into the document without doing anything else. The same applies to toggle a bookmark.
Fixed in trunk.
U-Jean wrote: Another question that the devs could answer:
I was unable to compile the version from the trunk or the Alpha branch.
The error (PRJ0019) was caused by the "Writing Subversion Information" tool. And some errors followed concerning the version.h file which has not been written. I could not find out the reason, is it possible that this is caused by some double-slashes (\\) in the Output-Path-variables?
Does the compilation fail using the latest trunk version?
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Re: TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 1 - Issues

Post by joon »

I'm using Windows 7 64-bit. In my case, if I open a .tex file with UTF8 encoding it is ok, but if I open ANSI encoding file, then TeXnicCenter crashes with the same runtime error. Can someone with the same problem try to open a file with UTF8 encoding?
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Re: TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 1 - Issues

Post by U-Jean »

Thanks for the fast reply.
I'm will try to compile the trunk this weekend, after a fresh install of VS2008SP1 and will report the results in this thread.
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TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 1 - Issues

Post by sanji »

Sergiu wrote:Well, at least we use the same version. However, I still cannot reproduce your problem. If you have a possibility to debug the application, please do so. You could also try to update to MSXML 4.0 Service Pack 2 and/or delete the following files from TXC's directory:
  • mfc90u.dll
  • msvcp90.dll
  • msvcr90.dll
  • Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest
  • Microsoft.VC90.MFC.manifest
then install the Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package and post the results.
thanks for you suggestions, but nothing helped.

It is even weird that I can't complie TXC under my user account, where I saw no windows or error messages (even after the solution below). I get "MainFrm.h(70) : error C2065: 'ITaskbarList3' : undeclared identifier".

I was able to compile TXC under another user account and debugged it. The exception is alway in TeXnicCenter.cpp:306, where TXC accesses the windows registry for recent files.
Boom! I recalled that I activated the group policy setting "Do not keep history of recently opened documents" (under User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Start Menu and Taskbar). I wrote that TXC worked before a restart. I think after the restart Windows put an access restriction concerning recent files. That's why Windows 7 stated an access violation.
After deactivating or setting it to "not configured" the exception doesn't occur and TXC works. :D
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TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 1 - Issues

Post by MartinC »

sanji wrote:Hi,
thanks for you suggestions, but nothing helped.

It is even weird that I can't complie TXC under my user account, where I saw no windows or error messages (even after the solution below). I get "MainFrm.h(70) : error C2065: 'ITaskbarList3' : undeclared identifier".
Maybe you did not register the Windows 7 SDK? See: ... 5862f57a02
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Re: TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 1 - Issues

Post by Sergiu »

Thanks for the hint, sanji. MartinC is right: You need the Windows 7 SDK in order to be able to compile current trunk version.
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Re: TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 1 - Issues

Post by sanji »

Oh yes, thank you! I switched from v6.0A to v7.0 and now it compiles. :)
But I still wonder why it compiled without errors in the other user account.
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Re: TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 1 - Issues

Post by Sergiu »

Problem fixed. TeXnicCenter will respect the above group policy not only for recent documents but also recent projects.
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Re: TeXnicCenter 2.0 Alpha 1 - Issues

Post by MartinC »

A new issue:

When I open a project, or when I create a new project, the "Next Warning" and "Previous Warning" yellow icons are activated. They stay activated even if I compile and there is no warning.
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