Hi, I am new to using Latex and would like to use either MikTex or ProText on windows 7. Listed are what I plan to use it for:
- Math and science related material, undergrad and grad class note-taking, reports, general note-taking. Trying to learn and use and better alternative to Word/OOo Writer.
- Use it with LyX for most of my work, but would like to learn Latex on my free time.
- Currently installed and use GNU Emacs (XEmacs wouldn't install on W7 and apparently has problems with Vista), which came with AucTex.
- Capability to import/export graphs, charts, diagrams.
I have installed and successfully configured Lyx with TexLive2008 and Aquamacs, on my iMac (running OS X 10.6), but looking for an ideal distro for my PC laptop (running Win7), which goes to class and work with me. I am a geology major soon to graduate and will be studying soil science for my MS. **I am currently learning Lyx on my iMac, and like it so far**
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
Decision Guidance ⇒ MikTex vs. ProTeXt on Windows 7
MikTex vs. ProTeXt on Windows 7
B.S. Geology: Working in the energy field.
Compaq 515 AMD Athlon X2 64 2.1ghz, 4gb Windows 7 x64
Dell Latitude D630 Intel 2.2ghz, 4gb Scientific Linux 6.4 x64
Compaq 515 AMD Athlon X2 64 2.1ghz, 4gb Windows 7 x64
Dell Latitude D630 Intel 2.2ghz, 4gb Scientific Linux 6.4 x64
MikTex vs. ProTeXt on Windows 7
If you already use TeX Live on the Mac, you might consider using it on the Windows laptop as well, then you would have the same environment on both computers. Note that TeX Live 2009 will appear in a few days and is already usable in the pretest phase.