Hi all,
I am having a problem with TexnicCenter 1 beta 6 3.1. I was working on my phd-thesis and, suddenly, the editor did not compile any longer. I am getting the following error message "Error saving file - cannot
create the file because it already exists" and refuses to save and to compile the
I am working on a project with one meta-file and several sub-files. Till now I assume that there has to be a problem in one of the sub-files, since I did not change anything in the meta-file. But, it somehow "generalizes" on the meta-file and the editor refuses to save all *.tex files that belong to this project. Otherwise, I do not remember any changes in any of the files and suddenly this error came up - so, I do not have a clue what's going on.
I am really confused about this and I have no idea what could be the reason for this. Does anyone of you guys have an idea??
Thanks very much for help!
General ⇒ TeXnixCenter refuses to save *.tex - files
Re: TeXnixCenter refuses to save *.tex - files
One small doubt. You might have copied the files from a CD to the hard disk. In this case you have to rename the file(s).
TeXnixCenter refuses to save *.tex - files
duvvuri wrote: One small doubt. You might have copied the files from a CD to the hard disk. In this case you have to rename the file(s).
No, I didn't. But thank you very much for your suggestion!
In the meantime I (or better: a friend of mine) solved the problem. It was a "usual" error in my tex file: (a "}" too much and a \skip where it obviously isn't allowed (?!)). I don't know why the editor reacted in this way, since error messages are normally quite useful. Anyway - I am glad to be able to continue...

Re: TeXnixCenter refuses to save *.tex - files
I get this error occasionally as well. I think I tracked it down to being caused by the file being accessed somewhere else. Make sure no other processes are using the file.
TeXnixCenter refuses to save *.tex - files
Cupric, your suggestion to "Make sure no other processes are using the file" helped me fix my problem. I had attached my .tex file to an email before beginning to edit my project. I kept getting the "cannot save" and "cannot create" message.
After reading this post, I closed the email program, and was able to resume normal editing.
After reading this post, I closed the email program, and was able to resume normal editing.