Graphics, Figures & Tablesanimateinline and PostScript code

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animateinline and PostScript code

Post by jonysatie »

Hi together, how are you?

I have again a problem, but this time it's concerning with a postscript code using psplot from pst-plot package.

I have upload a short example with the code. The problem stays in the following line (I think):

Code: Select all

\psplot[plotpoints=200]{-6.28}{6.28}{180 \i mul x  mul 3.1416 div sin}
when I try to put a variable "i" inside the function besides the "x" variable.

Also when I compiled with LaTeX=>Ps=>Pdf I have obtained this sentence at the end of the compiling process:

GPL Ghostscript 8.63: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1.

What do you think? How could I solve this problem?
Thank you.
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animateinline and PostScript code

Post by alex »

Just put a \space after \i:

Code: Select all

\psplot[plotpoints=200]{-6.28}{6.28}{180 \i\space mul x  mul 3.1416 div sin}
Simple commands usually eat the space after them, see:


PS: a new animate version [2009/09/24] is now on CTAN which issues a fat warning message during ps2pdf if option `-Ppdf' was set for dvips.
Posts: 27
Joined: Fri Apr 06, 2007 1:15 am

Re: animateinline and PostScript code

Post by jonysatie »

alex, you're the best !!!
Best Regards
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