GeneralHow do I add a program to Texniccenter

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How do I add a program to Texniccenter

Post by localghost »

Just use reasonable parameters for your table environment.

Code: Select all

  \caption{A table}\label{tab:table}
If that doesn't help (but I'm convinced it will) maybe a \clearpage command right after the table environment does the job.
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Re: How do I add a program to Texniccenter

Post by Arikis »

Below are the two problematic sections after I used the parameters you suggested (and adding the first four commands for the document):




Bernstein F.&
Untersuchungen aus der Mengenlehre. Mathematische Annalen 61, 117-155. \\
Borel E.&
Le\c{c}ons sur la th\'{e}orie des functions. Gauthiers-Villars, Paris. \\
Cantor G.&
Contributions to the founding of the theory of Transfinite Numbers. English version of Cantor's articles of 1895, 1897, in Cantor 1932 p 282. Translated by P. E. B. Jourdain. Dover Publications Inc. \\
Cantor G.&
Gesammelte Abhandlungen Mathematischen und philosophischen Inhalts. Ed. By E. Zermelo. Springer, Berlin. \\
Cantor G. \par Dedekind R.&
Briefwechsel Cantor -- Dedekind. Ed. E. Noether, J. Cavaill\`{e}s. Herman. Paris. Included in Cavailles 1962. \\
Cavailles J.&
Philosophie math\'{e}matique. Paris, Hermann. \\
Dauben J. W.&
Georg Cantor. His Mathematics and the Philosophy of the Infinite, Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 1979. Reprinted by Princeton University Press, 1990. \\
Dedekind R.&
Essays on the theory of numbers. English translation by W. W. Berman. Dover, New York. \\
Dugac P.&
Richard Dedekind et les fondements des math\'{e}matiques. Paris: Vrin. \\
Ewald W. (ed.)&
From Kant to Hilbert: A Source Book in the Foundations of Mathematics, Oxford: Clarendon Press. \\
Felscher W.&
1999&{\_}archives ... /0148.html \\
Ferreir\'{o}s J.&
On the relations between Georg Cantor and Richard Dedekind. Historia Mathematica, 20 (1993), 343-363. \\
Ferreir\'{o}s J.&
"What Fermented in Me for Years'': Cantor's Discovery of Transfinite Numbers. Historia Mathematica Volume, p 1-112, February 1995. \\
Ferreir\'{o}s J.&
Labyrinth of thought. Birkh\"{a}user. \\
Fraenkel A. A.&
Georg Cantor, Jahresberichte der Deutschen Mathematiker. Vereinigung 39 (1930), 189-266. \\
Fraenkel A. A.&
Abstract set theory. Third edition. North Holland, Amsterdam. \\
Grattan-Guinness I.&
An unpublished paper by Georg Cantor, Acta Mathematica 124 (1970), 65-107. \\
Grattan-Guinness I.&
The correspondence between Georg Cantor and Philip Jourdain Jahresbericht der Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung 73(1971) pt1, 111-139. \\
Grattan-Guinness I.&
Dear Russell - dear Jourdain. A commentary on Russell's logic, based on his correspondence with Philip Jourdain. Columbia University Press New York. \\
Grattan-Guinness I.&
The Search for Mathematical Roots, 1870-1940: Logics, Set Theories and the Foundations of Mathematics from Cantor Through Russell and G\"{o}del. Princeton University Press. \\
Hallett M.&
Cantorian set theory and limitation of size. Clarendon Press -- Oxford. \\
Heijenoort J. van&
From Frege to G\"{o}del. Harvard University Press. Cambridge Massachusetts \\
Jan\'{e} I.&
The role of the absolute infinite in Cantor's conception of set. Erkenntnis 42 375-402. \\
Jourdain P. E. B.&
The multiplication of alephs. Mathematische Annalen 65, 506-512. \\
Kowalewski G.&
Bestand und Wandel. Munich.~ \\
Lakatos I.&
Proofs and refutations. Cambridge University Press. \\
Levy A.&
Basic Set theory. Dover Publications Inc. \\
Menzel C.&
Cantor and the Burali-Forti paradox. The Monist 67(1984), 92-106. \\
Peckhaus V.&
"Ich habe mich wohl geh\"{u}tet alle patronen auf einmal zu verschiessen"; Ernst Zermelo in G\"{o}ttingen. History and Philosophy of Logic, 11 19-58. \\
Purkert W.&
Cantor's philosophical views on the foundations of mathematics. In Rowe-McCleary 1989, pp. 49-65. \\
Purkert W. Ilgauds H. J.&
Georg Cantor 1845-1918. Birkh\"{a}user Verlag. \\
Rowe D. E. \par McCleary John (eds.)&
The History of Modern Mathematics. Boston: Academic Press \\
Russell B.&
Introduction to mathematical philosophy. George Allen {\&} Unwin. \\
Schoenflies A.&
Die Entwicklunge der Lehre von den Punkmannigfeltigkeiten. [Part 1] Jahersbericht Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung 8(1900) \\
Schr\"{o}der E.&
\"{U}ber Zwei Defitionen der Endlichkeit und G. Cantorsche Satze. Nova Acta, Abhandlungen der Kaiserlichen Leopold-Carolinschen deutchen Akademie der Naturfoscher 71 301-362. \\
Tait W. W.&
Frege versus Cantor and Dedekind: on the concept of number.$\sim $wwtx/. \\
Tiles M.&
The philosophy of set theory: an historical introduction to Cantor's paradise. Oxford. \\
\caption{A table}\label{tab:table}


\bibitem{Grundlagen:1996}Grundlagen einer allgemeinen Mannigfaltigkeitslehre. Cantor 1932 p 165, Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 878.
\bibitem{Cantor:1996}Cantor 1932 p 195, Ewald 1996 vol 2 907 [1].
\bibitem{Cantor:1997}Cantor 1932 p 196, Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 907 [2].
\bibitem{Cantor:1998}Cantor 1932 p 196, Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 908 [6].
\bibitem{Cantor:1999}Cantor 1932 p 167, Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 883 [8], [9].
\bibitem{Cantor:2000}Cantor 1932 p 197, Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 909 [12].
\bibitem{Cantor:2001}Cantor 1932 p 197, Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 909 [11].
\bibitem{Cantor:1932}Cantor 1932 p 120.
\bibitem{Cantor:2002}Cantor 1932 p 199, Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 911 [10].
\bibitem{Cantor:2003}Cantor 1932 p 200, Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 912 [8].
\bibitem{Cantor:2004}Cantor 1932 p 200-1, Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 911 [2]-[5].
\bibitem{Cantor:1933}Cantor 1932 p 208 [4].
\bibitem{Cantor:2005}Cantor 1932 p 200, Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 911 [5].
\bibitem{Cantor:1915}Cantor 1915 {\S} 12, 13.
\bibitem{Cantor:1916}Cantor 1915 p 171.
\bibitem{Cantor:2006}Cantor 1932 p 201, Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 912 [12], [13].
\bibitem{Cantor:2007}Cantor 1932 p 167, 181, Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 884 [14], 895 [1].
\bibitem{Cantor:1934}Cantor 1932 p 209 [5].
\bibitem{Fraenkel:1930}Fraenkel 1930 p 247.
\bibitem{Cantor:2008}Cantor 1932 p 199, Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 911 [10].
\bibitem{Cantor:2009}Cantor 1932 p 205 2), Hallett 1984 p 42, Menzel 1984 p 98, Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 916.
\bibitem{Cantor:2010}Cantor 1932 p 205 2), Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 917 [2].
\bibitem{Cantor:1935}Cantor 1932 p 209 [7].
\bibitem{Cantor:2011}Cantor-Dedekind 1937 p 55, Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 931-934.
\bibitem{Cantor:2012}Cantor 1932 p 167, 181, Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 884 [14], 895 [1].
\bibitem{Cantor:1936}Cantor 1932 p 129.
\bibitem{Cantor:2013}Cantor 1932 p 169 footnote 1 ff, 193, Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 885 footnote 1.
\bibitem{Cantor:1966}Cantor 1915 p 105 B, Fraenkel 1966 p 35 theorem 1.
\bibitem{Cantor:1917}Cantor 1915 p 103.
\bibitem{Cantor:2014}Cantor 1932 p 198, Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 910 [6].
\bibitem{Cantor:2015}Cantor 1932 p 168, Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 884 [2].
\bibitem{Schoenflies:1999}Schoenflies 1900 p 35, 44, Kowalewski 1950 p 199, Dauben 1979 p 101, Hallett 1984 p 62-64, 146-164, Ferreir\'{o}s 1999 p 270.
\bibitem{Cantor:1937}Cantor's 1880 paper, Cantor 1932 p 355.
\bibitem{Grattan:2000}Grattan-Guinness 2000 p 114f 3.5.1.
\bibitem{Grattan:1970}Grattan-Guinness 1970 p 87.
\bibitem{Cantor:1938}Cantor's 1887 paper, Cantor 1932 p 379.
\bibitem{Jan:1995}Jan\'{e} 1995 p 388f.
\bibitem{Cantor:2016}Cantor 1937 p 55, Hallett, 1984 p 59, Ferreir\'{o}s 1993 p 353, 1995 p 37, Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 874.
\bibitem{Cantor:1939}Cantor 1932 p 119.
\bibitem{Cantor:1905}Cantor 1932 p 358 (the 1880 paper), Grattan-Guinness 1971 p 127 (letter to Jourdain from 1905).
\bibitem{Peckhaus:1990}Peckhaus 1990 p 29.

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