
Information and discussion about other LaTeX editors not listed above
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Post by melekzedek »

This is not in reality and LaTeX editor, but I will put this topic in this place.
When I'm not at my laptop, without a TeX installation, I use a very nice think, called MonkeyTeX, which is an online LaTeX editor, check http://monkeytex.bradcater.webfactional.com/ .It's free and amoung other things, permits collaborative work, since you can give permission to other people edit your file.
Using Ubuntu 13.10 under the hood and LaTeXing via Vim-LaTeX

Recommended reading 2024:

LaTeXguide.org • LaTeX-Cookbook.net • TikZ.org
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


I've tested MonkeyTeX a long time ago. It was looking nice, I remember. But some things are looking odd to me. There are big slogans on the homepage like "Be great!", the homepage looks like it's been made by a good advertising company, but there's no more information than just a link to a demo screencast. It's "brought to us" by a company I could not find information about. I wonder what their reasons are.

In general I would be careful in giving personal documents to online services. At least if they contain personal data like an address or just some information I don't want to publish (yet). But it's useful for testing.

By the way, I've listed some more online compilers for LaTeX. If you know other compilers I would be glad to hear about.

Best regards,

LaTeX.org admin
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