GeneralReferences warnings

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References warnings

Post by jamesmusik »

The references tab in the navigator is showing 3 warnings for my bibliography, though bibtex itself does not give any errors. Is there any way to find out what it is TeXnicCenter is seeing wrong?

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References warnings

Post by localghost »

Could you please post a minimal working example (MWE) that shows this behaviour? Without any code example it is not easy to figure out what's going wrong. Or post excerpts of the displayed error message (or warning).
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Re: References warnings

Post by jamesmusik »

A minimum example of the warning message is:

author = {blah},
title = {blah, blah}

Under the references tab in the navigator, it says "bib.bib (1 entries, 1 warnings)". Obviously, in this case bibtex would also print a detailed error in the output, but in my 129 entry long bibliography, there are 3 warnings, but no errors from bibtex itself when building the output. What is TeXnicCenter basing these warnings on and how can I find out what entry caused the warning?
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Re: References warnings

Post by jamesmusik »

I forgot to mention that this bib file must be referenced in a tex file that is the main file of a TeXnicCenter project.
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Re: References warnings

Post by localghost »

You didn't really understand what I was meaning. Follow the link in my last post and provide code keeping these guidelines.
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Re: References warnings

Post by jamesmusik »

I can't follow those guidelines, because TeXnicCenter doesn't recognize a biliography included with \begin{filecontents}. To duplicate, create a tex file with the following:


Save that file and use it as the main file for a project. Then create a bib file with the following:

author = {blah},
title = {blah, blah}

Save the file as bib.bib and if you click the references tab, it will say "bib.bib (1 entries, 1 warnings)". I just want to know where these warnings come from and how I can find out exactly what the warning is. I don't want to go through all 129 of my entries to figure out which 3 are causing the warnings.
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Re: References warnings

Post by MartinC »

What are the warnings?
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Re: References warnings

Post by jamesmusik »

That is exactly what I want to know.
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References warnings

Post by localghost »

jamesmusik wrote: I can't follow those guidelines, because TeXnicCenter doesn't recognize a biliography included with \begin{filecontents}. […]

Obviously, you have to do some reading about LaTeX basics. I recommend lshort and l2tabu. Of course it works. And that's not a problem related to TeXnicCenter. You only have to do it the right way.

Code: Select all

  author = {Donald Ervin Knuth},
  title = {The \TeX book},
  year = {1984},
  publisher = {Addison-Wesley}

  author = {Leslie Lamport},
  title = {\LaTeX: A Document Preparation System},
  year = {1994},
  publisher = {Addison-Wesley}



It's no surprise that your BibTeX entries don't work or give warnings if they look that way.

Code: Select all

author = {blah},
title = {blah, blah}
For book entries the fields of the author or editor, title, publisher and year are forcible necessary. Refer to the BibTeX documentation to get things work.
jamesmusik wrote: […] I don't want to go through all 129 of my entries to figure out which 3 are causing the warnings.

You should be aware of the fact that your initiative is demanded and not that of others to solve your problem.

Best regards
Last edited by localghost on Fri Nov 23, 2007 10:13 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: References warnings

Post by jamesmusik »

You obviously aren't paying attention at all to what I'm saying. I'm not talking about bibtex errors or anything outside of TeXnicCenter at all. I know how to make proper bib entries and I'm not here asking you to help me make my bib file. There is a feature in TeXnicCenter where, under the references tab in the navigator (next to Structure, Objects, and Files), it lists all the .bib files used in a project. Next to the file's name it says how many entries there are and when TeXnicCenter (completely independently from latex or bibtex) finds errors in it, it displays how many warnings. I want to know, how does TeXnicCenter determine there is a warning and where can I see a more descriptive warning, if at all?
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