Text FormattingText width in Paragraph mode

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Text width in Paragraph mode

Post by WarGoX »

Hi, i'm trying to create some personalized color-box using TikZ and PGF. What i want to do is pass the text to the macro and that the color-box calc it's own "text width".

I done this parcially using an lrbox:

Code: Select all

With this in \capwidth i have the width of the text. Which works fine if the text that i pass to the macro is "example, word, jhon doe". But if i pass something like: "example \\ word \\ jhon" if tails. This is because lrbox works in LR-mode (only one line). My question is, exist a way for "calculate" the textwidth of a Paragraph-mode text?

P.S: \parbox{}{} works for "paint" a box, but i need to store the box on a command to later extract the width.


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Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:08 am

Text width in Paragraph mode

Post by WarGoX »

Well, this is an auto-reply but in this way it keeps stored for the ones that need to do something like this.

The answer for my need was using the varwidth package, so i put this inside a lrbox environment and then with \usebox{} i can extract the width of the resulting box, the resulting code is:

Code: Select all

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