TeXShopcolors and deleting in texshop

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colors and deleting in texshop

Post by bobbylou »


These are two not big deal questions but I figured I'd ask them anyway, since everyone is so helpful on these forums :)

1. Is there a way to delete an entire line of text using commandkey-delete even if the line contains a command expression (ie someting like \begin{document})? I always get the error beep when I try this and it's annoying. It works on text without any commands.

2. I love the way that comments followed by the % character automatically appear in red. However, I often comment out multiple paragraphs of text using the \begin{comment}...\end{comment} function in the "verbatim" package. It would be awesome if any text in between these commands could also automatically appear in red (I know that Winedt does this...)

Thanks, folks!

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