Fonts & Character SetsArticle using only TrueType

Information and discussion about fonts and character sets (e.g. how to use language specific characters)
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Article using only TrueType

Post by rlga5 »

I want to be able to use only TrueType fonts with the article document class, like in the following article by Professor Kyle Bagwell at Stanford: ... 030909.pdf

Notice that if you look at the fonts, it uses many of the computer font distributions that are typically used with the article document class, but are instead are all truetype. Does anyone know how to set LaTeX to automatically use the truetype font distributions with an article? Most of the webpages I have seen discuss a long-winded way to install truetype fonts with your TeX distribution, but does not indicate how you go about using these TrueTypes by default, such as in the article above. Any help on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.

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Article using only TrueType

Post by gmedina »


perhaps you should try using XeTeX.
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