Graphics, Figures & Tableshelp with bounding box in MiKteX 2.3

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help with bounding box in MiKteX 2.3

Post by bubamara »

Dear all

I am writing so as to have some help improving my typewriting thesis . I´ve been reading a lot of posts about this subject. I am apologise to ask again , since i am pretty new on this and I can`t find the solution on my job. I did as I can but it doesnt go well :oops:

This is what happend to my document ( some parts were written in spanish)


%\usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} % LaTeX

textwidth 15 cm
\textheight 23 cm

\subsection{Producción Mundial de Carnes}

La producción mundial de carnes ha tenido en lo últimos años un ......


now the error message

a latex cannot find
b latex cant determinate the size of the graphic on prodcVC.jpg no bounding box

my questions are

1= do i have to install other packages since I compiled from texnicenter latex>pdf, and if is that problem where I supose to install it?

2= the result of the compiler is a an empty box with the name of the picturein through the text.

3= which are the numbers for the bb to use in a typical picture I mean lx, ly ,rx, ry.

well, thanks in advanced :roll:

kind regards


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help with bounding box in MiKteX 2.3

Post by gmedina »


first of all, you should uninstall MiKTeX2.3 and install MiKTeX2.7.

Now, to your document. Supress the draft class option; i.e., delete draft from this line:

Code: Select all

If your image is in jpg format and you compile with PDFLaTeX (LaTeX => PDF profile in TeXnicCenter) then there should be no need to declare a bounding box.

Change the page layout using the geometry package.

Change the interline space using the setspace package.
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help with bounding box in MiKteX 2.3

Post by bubamara »

Well, thank you so much!!!!!! and for the sooner answer, now I am dowloading Miktex 2.7, do I have to do the same with my TexniCenter, renew my version?

then,I will change the preambale

thanks thanks thanks!!!!!!! :D
see you soon

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help with bounding box in MiKteX 2.3

Post by bubamara »

Hello again...

well, i downloaded MiKtex 2.7 and this is another error message

C:\texmf\MiKteX\bin\pdflatex.exe.Cannot execute the command

well... hoping help again :roll:
see you

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help with bounding box in MiKteX 2.3

Post by gmedina »


I don't usually use Windows related products and I don't have a Windows machine at hand right now. However, let's review some steps:

1) Did you uninstall completely MiKTeX2.3 and your (possibly) old version of TeXnicCenter?
2) If so, you then should have installed MiKTeX2.7 and the updated version of TeXnicCenter with no problems. The first time that you launch TeXnicCenter, a window will pop-up asking you to locate the LaTeX binaries: the path (for a standard (default) installation) is something like

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files\MiKTeX2.7\miktex\bin
Having done this and "Accepting" everything else should be enough and everything should be working 0K.

In any case, here is the MiKTeX2.7 manual and Chapter 2 handles the installation procedure.
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